E3 2019 by our eyes. Photo report from Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, cloudy and warm, in Los Angeles is going to come to the Duchess of Sussex with the first-born, in Los Angeles the trees of Jacquaranda bloomed. But all these are trifles, because the main game exhibition of the year is held in Los Angeles, Electronic Entertainment Expo!

Editor -in -chief Gambling , Rodion Ilyin, all these days the main question was resolved: how to manage to catch everything, get into everywhere, interview everyone, see and feel everything. After all, even though this year from the list E3 2019 large participants fell out (first of all Sony ), see there.

" Star wars. Jedi: The fallen order ", Ghost Recon Breakpoint , Projects Square Enix , Control , Minecraft Earth , Games Ubisoft , Surprises from Netflix , The Outer Worlds , Cyberpunk 2077 , Doom , Wolfenstein: Youngblood – This is only part of what is listed in the plans of our chief editor!

We prove it right here by photographs from the scene!

Day the second day is the third day fourth day fifth

The first day. EA Play

We watched the stories and shows of the company EA , When the evening is already hung over Europe, turning into the night. And at the place of events, in Los Angeles, the sun shone at that time. You can make sure for yourself.

Find where Electronic Arts games live, it’s easy: you just have to go to red and white

This is a continuation of the line from the first picture. Its ending is lost in the noise of Los Angeles streets

Electronic ARTS branded colors everywhere!

The main sensation of EA's Day was, of course, the premiere show of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

The world premiere of the Gameplay Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – what was shown and what they talked about?

Guests from a distant-dale Galaxy

You have already heard that a new legend will join the APEX LegendS growth? No, not the same in the picture!

EA introduced the new hero Apex Legends and the second season

Guests of the exhibition can say with all their views: I play Apex Legends!

However, this is also possible

No, this is not what you thought, he just straightens glasses! Battlefield v is all right

Battlefield v: New maps and the Pacific theater of military operations

And only here the red-white gamut had to retreat. Corporate color The Sims – green!

And that's all – The Sims 4 cosplayers! Why not?

The Sims 4 will be released an addition to ISland Living

The second day. Microsoft, Bethesda

Probably, after the years pass, we will remember the presentation Microsoft So: “Ah, this is when Keanu Reeves went on stage! ". The emergence of a legendary actor was a real surprise for both the audience of the presentation and for those who were looking forward to announcing the release date Cyberpunk 2077. Now we know that the game should be released on April 16, 2020. Thank you, Keanu!

The Microsoft show was spectacular and, more importantly, rich in information and announcements

Corporate color Xbox -Green, and in the conditions of the Los Angeles heat, the presentation of the company felt refreshing

Shooter GEARS 5 became one of the main signs of the current E3. As well as a carefully declared commitment to "diversity"

Microsoft on E3 2019 – Cyberpunk 2077, GEARS 5, Halo Infinite, Dying Light 2 and the new Xbox

At the arena Staples Center We are met by real kings of Los Angeles. On the monument erected in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the team " Los Angeles Kings ", Depicted hockey legends: Wayne Gretzky, Roger Vashon, Luke Robitail, Marseille Dionn and Rob Blake

After scarlet colors Electronic Arts and bright greenery xbox banners Bethesda look at least modest

But on the other hand ..

Todd Howard thanked everyone who is still playing in Fallout 76

And about what Bethesda showed – read in our news

Bethesda on E3 2019 – Doom Eternal Magic Reels Casino and new games from the authors The Evil Within and Dishonored

The third day. Square Enix

The next day on E3 was saturated with events and presentations. A detailed story about them can be found in our special division dedicated to the exhibition. In the meantime, there are only a few scenes from the scene.

"Square enix, beginning". The company decided to do without kilometer banners and advertising shields that go into infinity

This hall will be filled with the eyeballs, and very soon

Square Enix turned her presentation into a trip along the picture gallery. It is a pity that some of the paintings were completely non -modern (yes, Final Fantasy VIII, It's about you)

Do not pay attention to the red “squamous” reflection, this is a native of GEARS 5

It was quite difficult to consider the car that Microsoft rolled out onto the stage of her show. Therefore – here it is, entirely and immovable!

The fourth day. We walk around the exhibition

All the main large presentations have died out, and you can finally take a walk along the exhibition stands and consider that the developers and publishers brought to E3 2019.

The main news of the exhibition was assigned the next Call of Duty. She even managed to squeeze Cyberpunk 2077

Impressive do not approach! Otherwise we inform: this machine from Monster Jam Steel Titans Should prove itself well in traffic jams

And this is a simpler option. Monster Jam Steel Titans, by the way, comes out on June 25 on RS, PS4 and Xbox One

Another vehicle, this time for fans Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII remake will be released on March 3 – a fresh trailer is presented

After such a fleet, racing cards from Crash Team Racing It looks completely simple

Superheroes arrived at the exhibition, easily raising multi -ton hammers and fantastic machine guns. Miracles of the props is evident

The guard of the stand Darksiders Genesis easy to observe the queue

Next to him, power armor from Fallout It looks like a model of socialist realism

Heroes shock group Borderlands 3 Ready for photo shoots

Speaking of superheroes – here they are stored, in glazed windows

It is unlikely that this iron man’s costume is valid, but the organizers seem to have decided not to take risks

This flying saucer plans to destroy all humanoids

And this is again a bus with a balloon from Fortnite Battle Royale. Now – the taste of popcorn

CD Projekt At first, the Cyberpunk 2077 was not going to show, but she prepared for the exhibition seriously

What was shown in the gameplay demo Cyberpunk 2077 on E3 2019

During the year mobile stand The Elder Scrolls BladesA little has changed. Unlike the game that continues to develop

By tradition, part of the hall is reserved for retro-game

Wait, so the scale is not clear

Now you can evaluate it!

When filming additions Elsweyr To the role The Elder Scrolls Online No stand of the stand was injured

Doom – This is a whole story. And this is her museum

And where without souvenirs!

It is probably better to choose those on which 2019 is not indicated, they will last longer

At the end of the day Netflix talked about games on his series. In 2020, the mobile RPG will be released on “very strange business”, and to the future animated series "Dark Crystal: Resistance Era" will release a tactical strategy

Day fifth: Elon Musk and Cyberpunk 2077

One of the largest surprises of the E3 2019 was the appearance of Ilon Mask – a billionaire, philanthropist, innovator, dreamer at the exhibition. As he explained, it was natural: Musk himself is a passionate gamer and even in his youth tried to create games.

Masca was compiled by Todd Howard and Jeff Kailey

This is what a souvenir edition looks like Dying Light 2 outside. It was given to the participants of the closed press order of the game

Our preliminary review will soon appear on the site!

And this is a place that many would dream of falling into … it is incomprehensible?

And so clearer?

And so?

Yes, this is the Samurai bar, in which involved in the creation Cyberpunk 2077. Somewhere in his back rooms, Keanu Reeves hid before his legendary entry on stage E3

And we say goodbye to you on a very cheerful note!

The current exhibition E3 2019 is completed. Next year it will be held from June 9 to 11, and we will meet again to tell you about the most interesting from the scene. In the meantime, all materials on the main game event of the year you will find in our special section.

All about E3 2019! Twitch-broadcasting gambling from Butkamp

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